Delivery Pass Free Trial

Your 30 day free trial

Receive a 30 day free trial when you purchase a Delivery Pass. You won’t be charged for your Delivery Pass until the end of your free trial period, and we will notify you 7 days before your payment is due. Your 1st payment will be the start of your 12 month delivery pass contract.

You can sign up for any of the delivery passes Asda offer.

You can cancel your free trial at any time in the Your Pass section of your grocery account - your pass will still be available for you to use for the full 30 days.
  • Where we offer a 30 day free trial of any Delivery Pass it will be subject to the terms of that offer and be valid only for customers who have not had a Delivery Pass for at least 12 months and haven't previously used a similar promotional Delivery Pass trial offer. 
  • The 30 day free trial offer is not transferable and may not be sold or shared. 
  • After the 30 day free trial period you will be charged the one-off or monthly rate for the Delivery Pass selected unless you cancel your Delivery Pass before the end of the free trial period. 
  • We may revoke this offer at any time for technical, security, or business reasons, including fraud prevention

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